Monday, August 5, 2013

A Great Week!

This week was a great week. Do you want to know why? Because I'm a missionary which means every week is a great week! I absolutely love getting to be here and watch the Lord change people's lives.
On Sunday, Jesse blessed the sacrament for the first time. The sacrament is so important because it's so we recommit to the Lord every week. And every week, we can be washed clean from our sins once again and receive strength from Christ. It's like getting baptized all over again every week.
Check out this mountains! Aren't they beautiful?  I don't remember what they're called, but they're somewhere between here and Albuquerque.When I see the incredible creations of our Father in Heaven, I'm reminded that every one of us is His children, and we've got that creative spark in us too.

Look at these adorable missionaries, Jaqueline and Joselyn! Sister missionaries just keep getting younger and younger, don't they?

Well everyone! I hope you have a wonderful week!

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