Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Great Plan for Making Us All Happy

I think we all have a goal to be happy. Sometimes we'll even make plans on how to achieve happiness. But why rely on our own plans when the One who created the heavens and earth "and all things that in them are" has also created a plan for us that He calls the Great Plan of Happiness or the Plan of Salvation?

That's right! He sent us here from His presence with a purpose. Life has a purpose. Death has a purpose. So this past week, we got together with some other missionaries and drew a step-by-step of the plan of salvation on the sidewalk in the park!

I couldn't capture it all in one picture, but you can find more details at http://mormon.org/beliefs/plan-of-salvation
Also, the mountains here in Cruces are beautiful, especially at sunset!

And here's my lovely companion Sister Rivas! Isn't she great!

In a world where the answer to all of our problems seems to be in the medicine cabinet, here's an alternative solution to those trials in life. Enjoy!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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